
Whistleblower Representation

Whistleblowers are a key part of regulatory enforcement actions such as those that involve securities (SEC, FINRA), labor (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), tax (IRS), and other agencies. Whistleblowers are protected and rewarded under federal and state laws such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Dodd-Frank Act. In the interest of the public good and safety, whistleblowers are encouraged to reveal illegal conduct to regulators, such as accounting discrepancies, embezzlement, and fraud.

Being a whistleblower is not as simple as just making a phone call or filing an online report. Whistleblowers must follow a detailed process of reporting illegal activity. One wrong move can expose the whistleblower to their employer and to potential harm. At the same time, that mistake could also disqualify the whistleblower from some of their legal protections and rewards. The best way to avoid these pitfalls is to have a knowledgeable whistleblower attorney working with you.

Whistleblower reports are anonymous. Regulators don’t share the source of their information with the subjects of their investigations. However, sometimes company management can “connect the dots,” discover a whistleblower’s identity, and punish them for bringing misconduct to the attention of regulatory agencies. This is illegal retaliation.

Whistleblower retaliation can come in many different forms. You may get demoted, your wages or hours may get cut, or you may get passed over for advancement and promotions. In the most extreme cases, whistleblowers may be fired in retaliation. A whistleblower protection lawyer can help you file a claim for wrongful termination and recover any losses you suffer.