From Cubism to Crypto

The family of renowned artist, Pablo Picasso is honoring his legacy by launching a non-fungible token dedicated to his art. The Picasso’s are selling 1,010 digital art pieces of one of his ceramic works that have never before been seen publicly. 

Christopher Warren, Managing Partner at Warren Law Group, states, “Cryptopreneurs and DAO-focused ventures should be optimistic about the future of NFT based investments. There is no doubt that DAO digital asset funds are securities, are regulated by the SEC, and regulators may hold the principals liable for any material misrepresentations or omissions made to potential investors. Without legal guardrails and experienced counsel, you are putting your entire DAO, your assets, your reputation, and your future ability to raise capital at serious risk.”

If you are considering investing in a DAO, it is critical you seek proper legal counsel to review contracts, marketing materials, and prospectus. Contact the attorneys at Warren Law Group at (866) WLGROUP or email to schedule your complimentary consultation.



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